Facet-nating Information
Below are some links to very helpful videos and also useful links to various resources.

Faceting 101 By Arya Akhavan Originally published in Sept 2014 USFG Newslette
Arya’s series of FACETING 101 videos provide a great learning and teaching experience to both the beginner and experienced faceter. Here is the index to the YouTube Video Series from Start to finish (click the link below and the video should start):

Puget Sound Faceting Guild Constitution
Willamette Faceting Guild Web Site
Rice NW Museum of Rocks and Minerals
GemCad & GemRay gemcad
The Facet Shoppe (John Franke’s site)
The Gemstone Artist (John Bailey’s site for Voodoo Magic Polish and others)
Ameritool Inc. Lapidary and Glass Equipment
An archive of Jeff Graham’s site
Facetron Faceting Machines, Jarvi Tool Co.
The Image-Gems, Gemology, Faceting, Photography
Custom Cut Gems (Lisa Elser’s site)
Gemology On-Line (Great resourse site!)

Properties of Commonly Faceted Minerals
Refractive Index: The higher the number, the more sparkly it is.
Critical Angle: The minimum cut angle to maintain sparkle.
Birefringence: The measure of a gem's double refraction.
Dispersion: The measure of "fire" in a gemstone.
Specific Gravity: The measure of the density of a gemstone.